Torsdag 14. juli 2005 03:04 skreiv Aaron Falk:
> I'm trying to use LaTeX and LyX for the first time and am having trouble
> adding the IEEEconf class (needed to generate a conference paper) to my OSX
> configuration.  I can see that Latex can find it by using:
> nak:~ falk$ kpsewhich tex IEEEconf.cls
> /sw/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ieeeconf/IEEEconf.cls
> nak:~ falk$
> Also, if I select View:Tex Information:Latex classes, I see it as well.
> But it does not show up on Help:LaTeX Configuration or
> Layout:Document:Document class.

I guess you do not have a IEEEconf.layout file. As far as I know you have to 
make your own...

I hope that IEEEconf is a similar to IEEEtran :). In that case you have to 
find your IEEEtran.layout file copy it to a new file named IEEEconf.layout in 
the same folder. And edit the the second line in IEEEconf.layout from  
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (IEEEtran)}
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (IEEEconf)}
and it should turn up when you reconfigure LyX.


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