Michael Wojcik wrote:
Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Can anyone summarize pros/cons of the various options listed in this thread? You're all using (and most are actively developing) LyX, so I assume you see some advantages to LyX, right?

[This is late, but Paul's query doesn't seem to have garnered much response.]

One LyX advantage: it isn't WYSIWYG. I'm happy to argue that separating content and presentation is the right way to go, and that WYSIWYG has done tremendous damage to writing. (Yes, some of my friends at MSU's WIDE (Writing in Digital Environments) center might disagree with that, but if we all agreed on everything we wouldn't have much to talk about at parties.)

Thanks for the reply. I'm inclined to view WYSIWYG as an enabler of bad writing more than a cause. In any case, my writing is invariably of the highest quality :-), and I like to see how the final version looks at least periodically, especially when I'm embedding figures or tables.

That said, I'm certainly comfortable working in a WYSIWYM environment, and I'm not willing to tolerate delays in display updates as I type. So LyX continues to look pretty good.


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