
This can be done using the package xcolor. It envokes the colortbl package too. I will send you the docs in a private email as the package is fairly powerful giving you a lot of control over colors used.


In the preamble put usepackage[table]{xcolor}

then at before the start of the table


where # is the row number you want the coloring to begin - it will start with the oddcol. oddcol and even col are the two colors you want to use. In this basic version you can only use a few colors, but by selecting more package options the possibilities are almost endless.

I attach a lyx example and the dvi out put.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Søren O'Neill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: Longtable

You know I've read theis very question during the last 2 days search for
colortbl package problems I've had. I cant find the link just now. But
certainly its related to the colortbl package by David Carlisle

There is the obvious manual way: insert a \rowcolor{color} ERT in eache table
row, but I think there was an elegant (although complicated) solution to

Kind regards

On Thursday 04 August 2005 23:22, John O'Gorman wrote:
Slightly off thread but related question.

Is there an easy way to alternate the colours of rows in a table
(e.g. so it looks like traditional tractor-feed fanfold paper if any of
you are old enough to remember)

John O'Gorman

Soren O'Neill, kiropraktor, MSc, klinisk lektor
Rygambulatoriet, Sygehus Fyn
Lindevej 5, 5750 Ringe

tlf. 6362 1906 (arb.)

Attachment: alternate.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: alternate.dvi
Description: Binary data

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