On Sun, 07 Aug 2005 16:08:35 +0200
Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Micha Feigin wrote:
> > Is it possible to suppress the use of the amsmath package with lyx 1.3.6 
> > even
> > when relevant commands such as split are used?
> > 
> > I have a problem that when using amsmath and hebrew in the same document. 
> > babel
> > has to be used before amsmath or else the split environment can not be used.
> > Lyx 1.3.4 didn't try to be too smart and didn't include amsmath if the 
> > amsmath
> > checkbox wasn't checked. Lyx 1.3.6 tries to be smart but includes things in 
> > the
> > wrong order which makes it impossible to compile the document without 
> > messing
> > with the tex file directly.
> a simple \usepackage{babel} in your preamble should help.
> Layout->Document->preamble

It doesn't help since lyx 1.3.6 includes amsmath before the preamble instead of
after it. Including \usepackage{babel} in the preamble is what I did with 1.3.4
but because of that aforementioned problem that workaround doesn't work with

> Herbert
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