_____/ On Tue 06 Sep 2005 18:50:50 BST, [Rudi Gaelzer] wrote : \_____

Hi.  I'm using LyX 1.3.6 on Fedora 4.
Is to possible to change the size of math screen fonts?
If I go to Edit -> Preferences -> Screen fonts
I only get something changing the Zoom %.  Changing the Screen DPI has no
effect.  Moreover, it only changes the text fonts, leaving the math fonts
always with the same size.
Rudi Gaelzer
Departament of Physics
Physics and Mathematics Institute
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-275-7468
FAX: +55-53-275-7343
Registered Linux user # 153741


I have just tested the above, trying to reproduce this behaviour in LyX 1.3.5
under Fedora Core 2. I have inserted some equations to a document and then
zoomed in. The equations (math mode) were rescaled in accordance with the
remainder of the document. I suggest you try to:

* Change screen fonts

* Re-install(/re-build) LyX

* Drop back to an earlier version of LyX

* Change the font size (Layout -> Character) temporarily and revert to old size
when producing the document

* Make use of the KDE magnifier is none of the above appears to work.

Hope it helps,


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