Sorry to jump in with a newbie question.  I'm not really a newbie, really...
But, I just got lyx-qt running on my Zaurus (pda), and want to shrink the
menu font considerably.  I don't see where to add such a setting, or how to
do it.  Screen fonts I can handle, as well as including/excluding menu
items.  But I have a small screen, so need to minimize the font sizes.

Can anyone give me a pointer?

Oh, and to those who have been working on Lyx for a long time, who may
remember me, greetings.  Sorry to have faded away, but my skills were of
little consequence to this effort, and my attention went elsewhere.  I still
love the program, though, and am glad to see development continue.  


David L. Johnson

   __o   | And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all
 _`\(,_  | mysteries,  and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so
(_)/ (_) | that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am
           nothing. [1 Corinth. 13:2]  

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