On Oct 12, 2005, at 2:47 AM, David Philp wrote:


This is along the lines of the recent "lyx MacOS" thread.  I have the
same problem with the following symptoms:

(1) "View PDF (pdflatex)" does nothing
(nothing means it grinds away a little bit and then does nothing.  Lyx
is responsive.)
(2) "File -> Export -> PDF (pdflatex)" does nothing (produces no file
in appropriate directory)
(3) other methods of viewing do not work because the document uses "pdfpages"
(4) "File -> Export -> Latex" works, and produces a latex document
that works when compiled in texshop using pdflatex.
....and more confusing....
(5) other documents that do NOT use "pdfpages" work as expected with pdflatex.

So I know that my document isn't broken at any stage, and that my
latex probably isn't broken either...

I can't see yet any reason for a problem from this. Have you looked carefully at the latex log files both in LyX and TeXShop to see if there is anything unusual? (In doing this, you might want to try a maximally simple test document, using "\usepackage{pdfpages}" in the preamble and "\includepdf{... path to document ...}" in ERT in the main document window.)

I have tried fiddling as in the recent "lyx MacOS" thread (i.e.
http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg42267.html )
with no success.

It doesn't sound like your problem is similar: if all other documents without pdfpages work fine, then PATH settings and Viewer options are not to blame.

I am using the most recent version of Lyx 1.3.6-2, on OS 10.4.  I
originally wrote this file in Lyx a few weeks ago... and it worked
fine then too!

The similar setup for me works just fine, without any problems. Are you sure nothing has changed in the meantime? -- You haven't changed the file at all? You haven't updated latex?


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