Robert Badzey wrote:


So I've been using LyX for awhile now. Great program - wrote my dissertation on it in about half the time it would have taken for LatTeX.

So I noticed the new build (1.3.6) for Windows, and figured I'd give it a shot. I don't know what the problem is, but it's been giving me fits ever since, with a progressive degrading of performance that's a bit startling.

First, I couldn't import LaTex files correctly. Always got an error message. Tried installing tex2lyx -- no dice. I just got a generic error message, and so was never able to track it down beyond that.

Then, just yesterday, LyX apparently lost the ability to generate previews - no DVI, nothing. The pull-down menu options which existed before simply vanished. Only output to PDF. Having removed and re-installed, now I can't even run it. I get an error message which tells me that it "wasn't able to find any layout description" and the program fails to run.

So in the space of three days I've gone from a functional program to one which simply won't run at all.

Any ideas/suggestions?  This is very worrying and not at all explicable.

Rob Badzey

LIFO -- first priority is to figure out why the reinstall won't run.

Any chance that the third-party programs required by LyX were uninstalled (and not reinstalled), removed from the command path or otherwise hosed? In particular, you need a working version of sh.exe (presumably from the MinSys package?) for the configuration script to work. The "no layout files" error has been known to happen when the configure script breaks either because the wrong version of sh or the wrong version of sed (or no version?) is used.


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