
Matthew Gates wrote (10.11.2005 09:19):
> On Wednesday 09 November 2005 19:16, K. Elo wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I installed JabRef a couple of days ago and have a simple problem:
> > I just cannot open my bibtex (.bib) file created and maintained
> > with KBiBTeX. Each time I try the following error message appears:
> >
> >  java.lang.NullPointerException
> >     at net.sf.jabref.imports.OpenDatabaseAction.openIt(Unknown Source)
> >     at net.sf.jabref.imports.OpenDatabaseAction$1.run(Unknown Source)
> >
> > I have encountered no problems when opening the same file with
> > KBibTeX, tellico or Pybligrapher.
> >
> > Any hints?
> One file I created in kbibtex had problems with LyX. I don't recall
> the exact reason for the problem (I think it was something to do with
> there being an un-closed brace). Anyhow, I manually re-quoted the
> text for all entries in the file (it was only a small file), and then
> it started working.
> My conclusion - kbibtex isn't ready for regular use yet. It looks
> promising, but the low version number seems to indicate that a lot
> more work needs to be done.

First of all: thanks to Matthew. Your suggestion was correct, the 
Problem _was_ KBibTeX. After having opened and saved the file with 
Pybliograher, JabRef was able to open it, too.

Well, although KBiBTeX is promising, there seems to be bugs in it.

Kind regards,

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