

I'm writing my masters thesis in lyx, and as I'm writing the thesis in
danish, an abstract in english (as well as one in danish) is required. I
have tried using the latex directive selectlanguage to select first English
(or more correctly, British) and then Danish, and that has worked ok as far
as selecting the language the abstract "header" is displayed in. However,
the page numbering is ruined as it's reset every when reaching the second
abstract. How do I solve this? Do I simply use unnumbered chapters for the
abstracts, or is there another way around it using the abstract text class.
What about roman numbers before the TOC, is that possible in Lyx, or do I
need to use Latex directives? And. what about the preface and
acknowledgements? I haven't found any way of selecting this in any of
document classes, so how do I get around this?


Any help is appreciated




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