when i run lyx (right after installation) i get the following error message:
"lyx can not find any description of the environment. please verify the
content of textclass.lst"

the file in question looks fine to me, it's 73 lines long and has the
default layouts set to true...

what could be wrong with my setup? i've tried to uninstall and reinstall lyx
but doesn't change a thing. i'm using windows. miktex, python,
minsys installed ok, no perl, gs, imagemagik.


## This file declares layouts and their associated definition files.
## It has been automatically generated by configure
## Use "Options/Reconfigure" if you need to update it after a
## configuration change. Run ./configure manually to update the
## system wide version of this file.
"IEEEtran" "IEEEtran" "article (IEEEtran)" "true"
"aa" "aa" "article (A&A)" "false"
"aapaper" "aa" "article (A&A V4)" "false"
"aastex" "aastex" "article (AASTeX)" "true"
"agums" "aguplus" "article (AGU++) manuscript" "false"
"amsart-plain" "amsart" "article (AMS, unnumbered)" "true"
"amsart-seq" "amsart" "article (AMS, sequential numbering)" "true"
"amsart" "amsart" "article (AMS)" "true"
"amsbook" "amsbook" "book (AMS)" "true"

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