Hello Robert,

RO> If I may make a suggestion here.
Yes, of course.

RO> Try powerdot rather than prosper.   I think you will
RO> find it an improvement and may not have as many
RO> problems.
I faced to the same problem trying powerdot. :(

I installed everything (LyX 1.3.6) on an XP machine and I played a little
bit. I found that the View -> PDF does not work! It produces the errors as
described below. In the other hand, if I export it to PDF, it works!
Wow! What is the problem? Somebody shall check it, sometime...

It is same for prosper and powerdot.

So, I returned back to my 1.3.3 (at home) and I tryed to export as PDF.
Unfortunately, I have Win98 and I was out of environment space during
running ps2pdf! It was hard to figured it out. So, I have to export it
to PS first, then copy to "C:\lyx\gs\gs8.51\lib\" and then do
"command /e:1024" to increse enviroment space afterward comes the ps2pdf in
that shell. Thus, I have the presentation in pdf.

I tryed to increase environment space at boot, without any success! :(

>> step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
>> step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
>> step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
I don't know why this appears, but it does not bother me anymore.

View -> PDF will not work for some reason, maybe somebody got it working?

>> I use lyx 1.3.3 (I tryed it with 1.3.5, it was the
>> same) on Win98se.
>> I have MikTeX 2.4.1398 installed.
+ ghostscript 8.51

Best regards,
 Alex                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> Dear List,
>> I have installed prosper and I cannot compile the
>> example files on the
>> wiki (http://wiki.lyx.org/Examples/Prosper)!
>> When I open "layout_Dekel-sample.lyx" on console
>> window I can see a
>> message:

>> I try to view it with 'View -> DVI', but as it is
>> written doesn't show anyithing
>> (ops it shows something on the far right, if I zoom
>> it out, I could see something...).

>> When I try to "View -> PDF(pdflatex)", I does show
>> me that there are 20
>> errors during running latex.
>> The first 5 complain about "Undefined control
>> sequence" for "\maketitle".
>> At each caption there are other 5 like "Undefined
>> control sequence" for
>> "\lyxnewslide{Caption n:o 2}".
>> Finally, at the end the same for "\end{document}".

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