
I have checked my configuration:
Latex.exe is in D:\program\texmf\miktex\bin
"D:\program\texmf\miktex\bin" is not in:

But it is (once) in:

I guess the reason is that I have installed Miktex for myself only and not
for all users. I usually do that if I have the choice.

Thanks for doing this by the way, while I personnally prefer Angus' version,
I really need your version for my colleagues. I will test your next version.


-----Original Message-----
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Sent: 11/29/05 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: lyxwininstall 0.4 doesn't detect my M iktex settings

YOUNES Abdelrazak wrote:

> My Miktex install is very complete so I don't want to download the
> package. The path to latex.exe is in the system wide path
> (D:\program\texmf\miktex\bin), is there anything I could do to tell
> installer it's there? Maybe adding a registry key or something?

Hm, you used the Small version of the installer and it aborts the 
installation because it didn't find MiKTeX, right?
If the path " D:\program\texmf\miktex\bin" is really in the PATH 
variable, could you please check if there is the file "latex.exe" and 
look in the registry 
if the path to the latex.exe is there in the entry "Path"
It detects your MiKTeX when the path is in this registry key.

Ah, perhaps you have two entries in the PATH variable that contains the 
a folder "miktex". If yes move the actual path at the first position of 
the PATH. (The problem is that MiKTeX doesn't clean up the PATH when it 
is deinstalled so that you have more than one entries when you reinstall

it. MiKTeX sets the actual one at the first position so that the 
installer will use the first PATH entry with the folder "miktex" as 
folder to latex.exe. The next installer version will check every PATH 
entry with a folder "miktex" for the latex.exe).

Please report me what was the problem.

If nothing helps, use the Network version of the installer and set the 
path to latex.exe manually.

thanks and regards

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