Helge Hafting wrote:
>>| $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-frontend=qt --with-gnu-ld
>>| --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt3 --disable-debug
>>| --disable-concept-checks --enable-optimization=-O2

>>You should use '--disable-stdlib-debug' as well. that is a real time
>>consumer, nice when developing but not else.

> So --disable-stdlib-debug is not implied by --disable-debug?

You'd imagine so, but no.

All --enable-debug does is add '-g ' to CFLAGS and to CXXFLAGS whilst
--enable-stdlib-debug adds the preprocessor commands

#define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG 1

to config.h. Boy, do these two have a big effect on performance! Without
them, LyX is literally an order of magnitude faster. At least, it is for
me ;-)


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