d an interesting problem with a document with a 
> bibliography. I use a customised .bst file, originally created with 
> "latex makebst".
> The problem seems to related with the following two bibtex entries 
> created with JabRef:
> @ARTICLE{br2004a,
>   author = br,
>   title = {{B}undeskanzler {S}chröder: {D}ie deutsch-russischen 
> {B}eziehungen
>       waren noch nie so gut},
>   journal = br_online,
>   year = {2004},
>   number = {8. Juli},
>   entrytype = {08.07.},
>   url = 
> {{[}http://www.bundesregierung.de/dokumente/-,413.680598/Artikel/dokument.htm,
>       besucht am 2. September 2005{]}},
                                    ^ remove

> }
> @ARTICLE{br2004b,
>   author = br,
>   title = {{A}usbau der deutsch-russischen {B}eziehungen auf allen 
> {G}ebieten
>       vereinbart},
>   journal = br_online,
>   year = {2004},
>   number = {21. Dezember},
>   entrytype = {21.12.},
>   url = 
> {\[http://www.bundesregierung.de/Politikthemen/Familie_-Kinder-und-Jugend/Nachrichten-,712.763157/artikel/Ausbau-der-deutsch-russischen-.htm,
>       besucht am 2. September 2005\]},

                                   ^ remove

> }

Remove the trailing comma from the last line of each entry.


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