Nicolás wrote:


I am trying to create my own Lyx layout for the ACM SIG proceedings style. The problem is that in that class file there exist commands that take two arguments (e.g. \conferenceinfo{bla, bla}{more bla,bla})

I am not sure that lyx supports that directly at the moment.  But you
can always get these sorts of things by inserting a tex box.  In a tex
box, you can do anything that latex supports, including stuff lyx
can't do yet.

and other commands that contain embedded commands, such as

\alignauthor Ben Trovato\titlenote{Dr.~Trovato insisted his name be first, as he has an inordinately and inexplicably high opinion of himself.}\\
\affaddr{Institute for Clarity in Documentation}\\
\affaddr{1932 Wallamaloo Lane}\\
\affaddr{Wallamaloo, New Zealand}\\

This is doable with a lyx layout, because lyx support nesting one
layout inside another.

Make an author paragraph type, that does the \author{ . . . } thing.
Then make paragraph types for \alignauthor \affaddr and \email

In your document, set a paragraph to be of the author type, then
nest paragraphs of type alignauthor, affadr and email inside it.
(You nest a paragraph by typing shift+alt+rightarrow)
Read more about paragraph nesting in the userguide, if this is new
to you.  There are examples of nesting, mostly using lists.

Consider whether this approach is worth the effort, or if a tex box in the
title do what you want. It depends a lot on how much this will be used,
and if it will be used by people who won't like tex boxes.

I have tried to find some documentation on creating layouts, but did not find too much. Could anyone tell me if such documentation exists? Or could anyone tell me how can I declare such commands in my layout (if that is possible)? Thank you!

In lyx, use Help->Customization.  That document contains all I need
to make new lyx layouts.  Using the existing layouts as examples is
a good idea also.
Of course this document only documents the lyx side
of things - if you wonder what latex commands/environments to use,
or how to use them, get a latex manual as well.

Having a look at may also help.  And if you get stuck - come
back to this list.

Helge Hafting

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