Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a wrote:
> While I was making a minimal example file I found the origin of
>   problem, 

This is the main reason for doing a minimal example.

>   this is: 
>   \usepackage[flushmargin]{footmisc}
>   I put that in preamble for get an apropiate format of footnote.
>   But, now, I can see that this cause problem.
>   How I can get both, set font for all footnotes in sans serif, size 8,
>   and format like this?

Of course footmisc redefines the footnotes, so KOMAs own redefinitions are 
Since it is not trivial to alter the look of footnote _symbols_ with footmisc, 
you should try to get your format with KOMA-script's means, e.g.:


Have a look at the documentation for the \deffootnote parameters.


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