On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 08:48:09 +0100
Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bo Peng wrote:
> >>Guys, I'm amazed that this thread has gone on as long as it has. I'm going
> >>to pop my head in at the door one final time and will then leave you to
> >>play on your own again.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >I am amazed as well, in that many people even do not consider this as
> >a bug. A bug report has been created
> >(http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2186) and accepted as NEW so
> >we should just wait for someone (Andre? Georg?) to fix it.
> >
> >  
> >
> Feel free to call it a bug - but the bug is not in lyx so an entry in
> bugzilla.lyx.org is wrong.  latex/bibtex is where the bug is,
> and they have a different forum.
> >I would also like to leave this thread with some final remarks.
> >
> >The root of this problem is of course from latex/bibtex and if a
> >normal user really knows latex, has read all the documentations (lyx
> >and latex), he should not put a .bst file under a path with spaces
> >(and be considered as pro-user :-). However, most lyx users do *not* 
> >know latex that well and the goal of lyx is exactly to provide a
> >user-friendly GUI to latex to allow such users to use latex easily. We
> >have successfully circumstanced  similar problems with .lyx, .bib,
> >.eps etc, why not .bst files?
> >
> >Regarding whether or not this is a lyx bug, I would definitely say yes
> >in recognition of the fact that lyx allows certain user input and
> >produces defective output without warning.
> >
> You think it'd be better if lyx simply refused, saying "no,
> I can't use that .bst file, because it happens to be in a
> path with spaces so bibtex is going to choke on it" ? 
> There is one reason why that would be a bad move, bibtex
> might get fixed into accepting paths with spaces someday, and then
> lyx would be protection against a bug that no longer exist.  Then
> lyx would need to be fixed again.

IIRC that was the state of things back when windows lyx couldn't handle spaces
in the path to files.

> The best fix is to have tex fixed.  Second best is lyx providing
> a workaround.  Either approach needs a volunteer - I wonder
> why nobody seems to want to fix tex though.
> Helge Hafting
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