Micha Feigin wrote:
On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:45:19 -0500
"Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Micha Feigin wrote:

For some reason when I use beamer with lyx and set tocdepth to 1 I get no
bookmarks for sections/subsections but setting it to 2 I get bookmarks for both
sections and subsections.

This doesn't match the latex behavior which is one behind (sections only in
bookmarks for tocdepth=2 and nothing for tocdepth=1)

Any idea on what lyx is doing different between view and export for this or how 
to check?

Could be a bug in Beamer? You might try reporting it on the Beamer help forum and see if anyone knows about it (or just submit a bug report).

There seems to be a bug in beamer (I though it was hyperref but it seems to be
a problem with beamer 3.06) but there is also something that lyx is not doing
right since with tocdepth=2 its producing the right output although exporting
to latex and compiling results with a buggy output, with tocdepth=1 compiling
through lyx and exporting to latex do the same thing.

The conclusion is that lyx compiles itself something else then what it exports
to latex.

I think the problem has something to do with LyX using outdated intermediate files in the temp directory. I experimented with a simple beamer file in which I put \setcounter{tocdepth}{whatever} in ERT in a standard paragraph between the title slide and the TOC frame. If I set tocdepth to 1, exported a .tex file and ran pdflatex against it, I consistently go no bookmarks and sections only in the TOC. On the other hand, if I did View->PDF (pdflatex), I got sections only in the TOC, but the bookmarks were either empty, sections or sections + subsections (!), depending I think on what values of tocdepth I had most recently tried.

I reproduced that last output using export to .tex as follows. I set tocdepth to 3, exported to .tex and ran pdflatex twice. I got (correctly, I think) both sections and subsections in the bookmarks and in the TOC. (The file did not have subsubsections.) Then I changed tocdepth to 1 in the LyX document, exported again, and ran pdflatex only once. The resulting file had sections but not subsections in the TOC, but had subsections in the bookmarks. When I ran pdflatex the second time, the TOC retained sections but the bookmarks disappeared.

So I'm guessing LyX sometimes runs pdflatex only once (?).


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