
I've done it!

The secret was rather silly. It was in the includegraphics dialogue box.
I had been supplying a width and checking the maintain aspect ratio box.
Regardless of what size I set, latex2htnl was creating an <IMG .. > tag
with WIDTH=470 HEIGHT=471.
Looking at Kevin's code, I noticed that he supplied both height and
width. So I did the same and unchecked the aspect ratio box --- and
voila! It came good!

The winning approach was to 
1. Create a table with 1 row, 2 columns.
2. Into the 1st column insert a table with 2 rows, 1 column
Why? God knows! I found that I had to effectively lower the graphic by
putting it in the 2nd row (leaving the 1st row empty)
3. For the Address, I put a 4 row, 1 column table in the 2nd col of the
outermost table. Into this I entered the Name and address stuff.

This all now produces essentially the same output for DVI, PDF, and

Many thanks to Kevin and Rich. You input helped.

I can now happily continue to tell all my clients how easy LyX is to

It reminds me of a maths lecture I attended in my student days. The
lecturer was detailing a proof on the blackboard. He started to say:
"From the above it is obvious that ...."
Then he stepped back and thought deeply for a while. Then he left the
room. We waited. 5 minutes later he returned smiling and said:
"Yes it is obvious." and contiunued to outline the proof.

John O'Gorman

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