On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 01:46:42PM -0800, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> Thank you Todd and Johan for the further ideas.
> I think in my case, I don't want hyphenation, but I want latex to 
> automatically wrap the word going into the margin to the next line AND 
> justify the line to make up for the moved word.
> I have been reading about \tolerance and \emergencystretch but can't seem 
> to find good explanations. I tried \tolerance with from 50 to 250 but 
> didn't see differences yet. I also don't know if the \emergencystretch is 
> used on a case-by-case basis or for preamble.
> Here is another example sentence:
>   This assigns packets belonging to SSH login connections to the 
>   ssh_login queue and packets belonging to SCP and SFTP connections to the
>   ssh_bulk queue.
> On my 6 inch wide page, the "ssh_login" goes out into the right margin. So 
> I manually put in a \linefeed before it. Now my resulting output has a 
> blank area after "... to the" (which I do not want) and the "ssh_login" in 
> on the next line (which I do want).

Putting '\hbox{' and '}' in ERT around the word in question should help.

I am not sure, though, whether this is the 'recommended solution'


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