Abdelrazak Younes a écrit :
Abdelrazak Younes a écrit :
Rafael Perez Pascual a écrit :
I am using lyx on Debian Linux, the cursor is a one pixel line very dificut to see, is it possible to have a larger cursor?


Rafael Perez

For Qt frontend at least, this is hard-coded in "src/frontends/qt2/qscreen.C". At line 79, in member function showCursor, you could change that pretty easily:
    cursor_w_ = 1;
    cursor_w_ = 2;

Actually, you'll have also to change line 98:
    nocursor_pixmap_.resize(1, cursor_h_);
    nocursor_pixmap_.resize(cursor_w_, cursor_h_);

oups... cut and paste error, sorry, please read:
Actually, you'll have also to change line 108:
        vcursor_pixmap_.resize(1, cursor_h_);
        vcursor_pixmap_.resize(cursor_w_, cursor_h_);

I have just tested that and it's better IMHO.


You'll have to recompile LyX afterward of course ;-)

Hope that helps,

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