----- Original Message ----- From: "Georg Baum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 3:10 AM
Subject: Re: Latex error on graphics insert (LyX 1.3.7)

Am Freitag, 27. Januar 2006 22:07 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
In your preferences file, I found the following:

\format "pdf" "pdf" "PDF (pdflatex)" ""
\format "pdf2" "pdf" "PDF (ps to pdf)" ""

Note that the labels for the pdf and pdf2 extensions are actually the
reverse of what the converters do (i.e., pdf is via ps, not via
pdflatex).  So if you're selecting View->PDF (ps to pdf), I think you're
actually running pdflatex, and if you're selecting View->PDF (pdflatex),
I think you're actually running latex, dvips and ps2pdf13.

Marc, you should really delete these lines from your preferences file and
use the defaults that come with LyX (if not already done).

What do we learn from this lengthy debug session? Always provide minimal
example files!


Hello Marc,

I came to the same conclusion about using the defaults.

I use the defaults with Windows and Lyx 1.3.7 and on Linux Fedora4
which has LyX1.3.6. On both systems I can use the DVI, all 3 pdf and
the postscript viewers, in order to view your file.

That means the image files are OK, and the doc syntax structure is OK,
once \graphics dvips is eliminated. On the Windows system the/my
Layout->Document->Packages, the graphics driver is set to "default"
(as yours was) and it works so it seems just \graphics dvips is
problematic and maybe your other documents have that line also.
You would still need to be careful if they contained eps images.

So I was going to recommend saving preferences somewhere safe,
just in case, but reinstalling the defaults because they work for other
people and there is a fair chance your editing of lyxrc was faulty.
And I learned a lesson about the value of providing minimal examples.

Hope your other files are easy to fix,

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