On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 10:30:16 +0100
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>>>> "Herbert" == Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Herbert> this is nonsense! How did you insert it? 2^{Q} is a math
> Herbert> expression, it cannot be part of \textrm, it should be an
> Herbert> argument of\mathrm
> Herbert, while we are at it, does it ever make sense to use \textrm in
> math? I am a bit puzzled about what this really does. I would tend to
> use \mathrm{} for a variable name in upright shape, and \mbox{} or
> \text{} for something which is more like a word.

I believe the advantage will be for entering more than one word, with spaces
and all.  At any rate, the simple toggle to insert text this way means that
that is what I have been doing for years with it, to no ill effect.


David L. Johnson

   __o   | "Business!" cried the Ghost. "Mankind was my business. The
 _`\(,_  | common welfare  was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, 
(_)/ (_) | and benevolence, were, all,  my business. The dealings of my
           trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my 
business!" --Dickens, "A Christmas Carol"  

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