"Anders Ekberg" <anek-Ga8gg/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is anyone able to duplicate/solve this:

- Make a clean install of teTeX (using iInstaller and the packages listed at http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop/installing.html) and LyX1.4pre5 - Open a document (e.g. Hollywood from the bundled template or even a blank document)
- Select View->PDF (dvipdfm)
- Results in an error:
"LyX: Cannot convert file
An error occurref whilst running dvipdfm -p letter 'newfile1.dvi'"

with Console output:
===== tisdag 14 februari 2006 kl. 16.13.50 Europe/Stockholm =====
Error in latexParagraphs: You should not mix title layouts with normal ones.
sh: line 1: pplatex: command not found

newfile1.dvi -> newfile1.pdf

dvi_init:  Specified DVI file doesn't exist

Output file removed.

In Preferences I have:
Converter: dvipdfm $$i
which should be correct.


I reported something which may be similar as bug #2299
There is a file in /texmf/doc/dvipdfm/sample.tex
that I use for testing. It contains a jpeg and eps images.
I import it into LyX. With WinLyx(XP)137 it does not
convert to pdf with pdflatex as expected but it does
convert to pdf using dvipdfm (I think it invokes epstopdf).

Dvipdfm doesn't convert to pdf with LyX140pre3 and
if the problem is there then it probably persists to pre5.
I just checked and 140pre3 doesn't create sample.dvi from
sample.lyx which I guess is part of the dvipdfm to pdf problem.

Directory of C:\lyxtemp\lyx_tmpdir3088a03832\lyx_tmpbuf1 LyX137 output

2/14/2006  11:37 AM    <DIR>          .
2/14/2006  11:37 AM    <DIR>          ..
2/14/2006  11:37 AM           192,874 0C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_mwicks.eps
2/14/2006  11:27 AM             5,778 0C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_mwicks.jpeg
2/14/2006  11:27 AM            10,020 1C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_transistor.eps
2/14/2006  11:31 AM             2,360 1C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_transistor.pdf
2/14/2006  11:27 AM             7,215 2C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_something.eps
2/14/2006  11:31 AM             3,278 2C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_something.pdf
2/14/2006  11:37 AM             9,424 sample.dvi
2/14/2006  11:31 AM            13,201 sample.log
2/14/2006  11:31 AM               285 sample.out
2/14/2006  11:37 AM           225,546 sample.pdf  [by View->Save a Copy]
02/14/2006  11:37 AM           225,546 sampled.pdf [by export with dvipdfm]*
2/14/2006  11:37 AM             3,930 sample.tex
2/14/2006  11:27 AM             1,598 sample.tex.dep

I wonder if the devas made everything a pdflatex conversion
or more likely it is yet another path with spaces problem! :-)

Something is not found,

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