Hi all,

rumors are that LyX 1.4 is not going to support XY-Pic
anymore. I cannot believe that the developers are serious
about this. If they were, the reasons for me to use LyX
would be gone. To name these reasons specifically, they
and, last but not least Uwe's installer, which makes it
so easy to get LyX up and running under Windows.

Ironically, the two bugs that are reported in bugzilla
regarding XY-Pic can be circumvented. I have just found
two easy solutions and documented them in a new chapter
"Hacks" of my manual "Using XY-Pic in LyX" at

(The html-translation - supplied by Stephen Harris - has not
yet been updated.)

Let the developers know, that there is no demand for a
new version if is less than the existing one.


| Prof. Dr. H. Peter Gumm               |
| FB Mathematik und Informatik          |
| Philipps-Universität Marburg          |
| Tel: (+49)-(0)6421-2821516 (office)   |
|      (+49)-(0)6425-6334    (home)     |

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