> > --- Piero Pasotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I collaborated a while back with someone using SWP.  Based on that
> experience, when SWP exports a file as LaTeX, the .tex file tends to
> load a lot of proprietary style files that come with SWP (and not with
> any standard distribution of LaTeX that I've heard of).

I talked a SWP guy and he said that you can use 'portable tex output'
to make the tex file a bit more compatible to real latex. Also, it is
possible to config SWP to use miktex instead of its own tex engine. I
suppose that in this way, you would not use any SWP-specific style

Anyway, I gave up SWP for lyx a few years ago and have no idea how to
do these with the current SWP version. (BTW, the version number of SWP
grows much faster than lyx. :-)


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