On Fri, 24 Feb 2006 03:55:43 -0800, Stephen Harris wrote:

> Yes, it was fairly easy with your hint. I put the epstopdf and
> convert scripts in their own directoy at the beginning of PATH.
> Shouldn't I do something else to connect them to epstopdf.exe
> in Miktex\texmf and C:\ImageMagick\convert.exe ? I don't
> have Tetex installed and I think not Cygwin's ImageMagick.
> It seems too easy!

You should do nothing apart assuring that they are in the system PATH
which you can set through the "Advanced" tab in "Control Panel->System"
or use path_prefix (see below).

>> Looking forward for a working LyX/Cygwin ;-)
>> -- 
>> Enrico
> Thanks for all your help and tremendous effort in figuring
> out a working installation. I think it is miraculous that you
> could figure out all those configure switches. Now when
> somebody asks about Cygwin and LyX they can be pointed
> to your Wiki page. I'm writing this as I wait for make to finish.
> Thar she blows! I had to copy lyx(-qt).exe to c:\cygwin\bin
> because it complained about missing cywin1.dll and cygz.dll

No, don't do that. Simply add C:\cygwin\bin to the PATH as explained above.
You could set path_prefix as in the native version through LyX preferences.
The path_prefix should be written in posix (cygwin) syntax and I suggest
that you put as the first elements the following ones:


and then fill in whatever you like using ':' as a separator.
In this way you can put the epstopdf and convert scripts in /usr/local/bin
which is searched first.

Once you filled in path_prefix in LyX as I suggested above, I think that
you could also remove C:\cygwin\bin from the system PATH, but I have not
checked it (Hmm... may be it doesn't work...)


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