Joerg Hau wrote:

Hi All,

How can I preserve the ongoing numbering of the "Enumerate" environment across subsections?

I am writing a tutorial, which is a "step-by-step" guide through some functions of some software. Since the sequence of actions is of some importance, the "Enumerate" environment is perfect here.

This tutorial will be a bit lengthy, thus I would like to insert some "intermediate titles" (preferably subsections or subsubsections), so that the user "knows what's coming next". Roughly like this:

 1. Text Text Text Text Text ...
 2. Text Text Text Text Text ...
 3. Text Text Text Text Text ...
 4. Text Text Text Text Text ...
 5. Text Text Text Text Text ...
 6. Text Text Text Text Text ...
 7. Text Text Text Text Text ...

... I think you get the idea. My question is, how do you achieve this in LyX? (One particular challenge is that the numbering shall be truly automatic, i.e. I don't want to specify "starting numbers" after an intermediate title)
Simple enough.
1. Write the above stuff in lyx.
2. Put the cursor on "LOGGING IN"
3. press alt+shift+rightarrow, thereby embedding the subsection header
   in the enumeration.  Notice how items 4 and 5 immediately gets
   correctly numbered.
4. Do the same trick with "QUERYING" and so on.

This works perfectly with the enumeration - no numbers specified
explicitly, and no ERT whatsoever.  The headings will be indented
to the same level as the enumeration though.  Some call that
an improvement - some don't.  Hope you can live with it.  It won't
match the nonintended "STARTING UP" but perhaps you can
make that a higher level heading?  Or omit it?

Helge Hafting

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