On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:42:30 +0200
Andrei Popov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I am trying to setup lyx 1.4 at the moment. I am having a problem
> > with Hebrew entries in pop-ups (index) and menus (navigation with
> > Hebrew sections). I am using the qt version of lyx compiled locally
> > according to the instructions in the wiki. How do I change the
> > encoding of the pop-ups and menus so that I can see the Hebrew
> > instead of gibberish?
> I have *exactly* the same situation with locally compiled LyX 1.4.0
> (QT) for Debian. The only difference is that I don't see
> Russian/Belarusian/Cyrillic-in-general chars in navigation menus.
> Instead of the CP1251 encoding I see iso8859-1 (latin1). There's no
> mistaking it.
> There's no such problem in LyX 1.3.6, and I used qtconfig to set
> Tahoma as a menu font for QT apps, and yes, I'm using it everywhere
> and it does contain the right glyphs.
> (Well, lyx-qt 1.3.6 had a similar, albeit *minor* problem: Cyrillic
> chars were always displayed as latin1 in ERT, and Cyrillic labels
> sometimes didn't work, but I could live with that.)
> Unfortunately, this new problem alone makes the new LyX pretty much
> unusable, however, I'm not sure everyone has it. Maybe it's a glitch
> that only appears when compiling locally, according to Wiki
> instructions?
> Locale is be_BY.CP1251, but it could be ru_RU.CP1251 or whatever, the
> point is, the encoding part of the locale is explicitly defined, so
> LyX should have no trouble determining the right charset for the
> menus, should it?

I also didn't have this problem with 1.3.6 and setting \screen_font_encoding
doesn't help. It seems that the menu font ignores the locale encoding

> -- 
> WBR,
> Andrei Popov
> Using LyX 1.3.6 on Debian GNU/Linux
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