This applies to top level text. The key seems to be how big the document is. I have an 8 page document with 12 equations and trying to type anywhere in that document (even if there are no equations visible on the screen) will peg my CPU and move so slowly I can type faster than it can handle.

On Mar 15, 2006, at 6:33 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Yaron" == Yaron Y Goland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yaron> I run Lyx 1.4 on my G5 dual proc 1.8 Ghz processors w/a gig of
Yaron> ram and it's slow as molasses. It's so slow that I literally
Yaron> type faster than it can handle, I often have to stop and wait
Yaron> for it to catch up. I haven't seen such awful performance since
Yaron> I used to run terminal applications over a 1200 baud modem.

Is that when typing on toplevel text or inside insets?


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