> Hi,
> I'm using Lyx 1.4.0 (on a Knoppix 4.0.2 hd installation with tetex 3.0) and
> have installed IEEEtran.cls to
> my tetex local directory as it is written on several sites in the internet.
> Opening the IEEEtran.lyx works
> fine but when I try to look at the dvi output I get the following error
> "Package babel Error: You haven't
> defined the langugae ENGLISH yet.". For each other document style I can
> create this dvi output.
> Being a Linux beginner with no latex knowledge I'm quite confused and don't
> know what to try. Searching the
> net with google also didn't give me any idea. How can I fix the problem?

You have two choices:

1) Disable babel: in Preferences->Language uncheck "Use babel"
2) Do not use the MarkBoth environment

I think it is related to a particular version of babel. For example, I do
not have this problem with teTeX 2, but have it with MikTeX. And at some
point of time it was the reverse, I had the problem with teTeX 1 but not
with MikTeX. Go figure.


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