>>>>> "Davide" == Davide Cescato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Davide,

Davide> 1. (major bug) Type a symbol with both an subscript and a
Davide> superscript (such as $a_{b}^{c}). If you erase the superscript
Davide> {c}, then the subscript {b} disappears too.

Will be fixed in 1.4.1.

Davide> 2. Suppose you typed $a+b^{c}$ and you want to erase $b^{c}$.
Davide> In 1.3.5, you just place the cursor between + and 'a', push
Davide> the "del" once, and it's gone. In 1.4.0, you have to press
Davide> "del" twice, since the first press only *selects* b^{c}...
Davide> What is the point of having to press twice instead of once? In
Davide> 1.3.5, pressing "del" once is enough. If you by mistake delete
Davide> too much, you can just use Ctrl+Z to undo. I find this
Davide> approach more practical.

This is by design for all `complex' insets. It could be easily reverted.

Davide> 3. Type $ab^{c}$ and try to select just $b^{c}$ by placing the
Davide> mouse between $a$ and $b$, clicking and dragging to the right.
Davide> It does not work. You have to click when the mouse is *just
Davide> on* the $b$, and then drag to the right. In 1.3.5, both ways
Davide> worked. 

There will be improvements in cursor placement in 1.4.1.

Davide> 4. Create a eqnarray or AMS align environment. In 1.3.5, you
Davide> can use the Tab key to jump from an input field to the next
Davide> one, in 1.4.0 it does not work.

Works here.

Davide> 5. (minor issue compared to the previous ones) After creating
Davide> a math-macro by typing "M-x math-macro xyz", the cursor is
Davide> outside of the macro definition field, and you have to move it
Davide> inside before you can start editing the macro. In 1.3.5, the
Davide> cursor is just where you need it: inside the macro definition
Davide> field.

The code that puts the cursor in the right position has been commented
out. I do not know why.

Davide> I wonder what the reasons for such un-optimizations are... 

New features added, old bugs fixed, and therefore new bugs added.


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