Joachim Krieg wrote:

I tried your idea. It works very good too. First I changed the
book.cls like Richard told it. Then I changed the style to fancy and
wrote your commands in the preamble.
I get the page numbers on all pages, on the first page of the chapter

How can I add the name of the chapter or subchapter to the header?

Thanks for your help too!


Kamran SHAFQAT wrote:

I think it could be done by changing the page style to fancy and adding
the following commands in the peramble


But this will not give you the page number on the first page of the chapter. To add the page number on the first page you have to put command \thispagestyle{fancy} using ERT at the start of the first line
of the page.



well i am assuming that you want the name of chapter and section/subsection on each page for that try adding these commands to preamble

\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{{\thechapter.\ #1}}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{{\thesection.\ #1}}}

than \lhead{\rightmark} and \cfoot{\leftmark} will produce the chapter name and section/subsection on left side of header and cneter of footer respectively. But on the first page of the chapter only the chapter name will apper.



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