Nicolas Dubuit wrote:

> I'm afraid I didn't explain clearly the solution.

I think you did, but others mixed it up with other related problems.

> Actually this was not a language problem (the interface was in french
> already!) but a charset problem (special characters were not rendered
> correctly).
> Only "fr_FR.utf8" was available on my system, so I just had to add
> "fr_FR.iso88591" to have lyx working properly.

This is the important point, it should probably go somewhere to the wiki.

> Note however that this didn't screw anything else, as my default locale is
> still fr-FR.utf8  - even starting LyX with "LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 lyx-qt"
> works, as lyx is now able to find iso-8859-1 .

Yes, that is how it should work.


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