
Sorry, I'm not very good in English Language cause I'm a German. Furthermore your bug-report-system is too confusing for me yet. I got Lyx in the end of 2005, think it's version 1.3.6. I use Linux Suse 10.0. Your software Lyx is recommendable! Even though some things could work better, I think. So I give you that list. Sorry, maybe it is my fault that some things didn't work like I wanted them, because I didn't want to study Lyx enough. Besides I am not a latex-freak. So following points mean to make things work without writing it in Latex of course:

- At de_UserGuide it didn't find some images
- Letter-modus: The word wrap worked by pushing Return, but it was irreversible - It would be nice, if this glide-objects (images,...) could easily be framed - It would be nice, if the lettering of this objects could also be placed left-justified
- Cross references to foot-notes would be luxurious
- When I wrote formulas between the text like: One furmula, a little text, two furmulas, a little text, one formula, etc. the result looks a bit fluttering, if the formulas have different sizes. So it may be good, to have the option to put them left-justified. At least the left side would be just. To avoid tab-stops there could be a preselected size of space before the formula. - There seems to be no word wrap in formulas, also while I can see it on the screen. So it sometimes difficult to handle large formulas. They migrate out of the screen. I didn't always want to cut them, because there is not always a need for a word wrap in the printed text. An automaticly dealing with such problems would be very good.
- The letter-size for appendices in the table of contents was too large
- To have the ability to underline the results of calculation would be nice (maybe it is possible and I just didn't find it) - It is nice to have the coice beteen indenting the text or having a larger distance to the text before for the passages. But I think it didn't work when I made word wraps in a Section.
  Maybe this should be like that, I don't know.
- In list- or description-modus it was difficult to handle formulas (math-modus). There where many bugs while running Latex. Example: Modus description: [A] Matrix for /f
/{x}       Vector of /x/
{y}       Vector of /y/
- To copy text of one document to another is difficult. Sometimes it works, but then the copied text is underlined. What's the use of it? How can it be rescinded?
- Is it possible to create individual headers?

But nevertheless I think Lyx is very fine. It also has high potential.

Thank you for Lyx!


Matthias Diehl

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