hi there, i'm using FC4 and lyx 1.4.1
i installed using YUM by asking for tetex, and then lyx-qt. the system installed both. (i am a new user by the way) So i figured out that by creating a new document and then going to Document Settings it would create the document as a book or as an APA style class. However, there is a problem. Several of the classes including the APA class are listed as unavailable; i can use the book class to make a book, however, i have another question about that later. main concern is how do i obtain more classes? i read in the tutorial (or introduction) that there was something that i might need to install to get the rest of the classes. i THINK it was "latex2e". but yum didn't know what that was.

with concern towards the book class, i was wondering how do i set the document up to print exactly like a book, for instance, their will be five pages stacked on top of one another; i need the top right side to read ONE, and the top left one to read SIXTEEN (i hope i got that right).

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