You may find this response from Jean Marc of assistance. 

Check the archive for more detail. 

"Section* layouts do not appear in the table of contents, and LaTeX
does not offer a way of specifying an optional caption in these cases.
Therefore there is not much we can do about it.

Bruce> My problem is typesetting an old-fashioned book where, for the
Bruce> their pains, the authors- translators have chosen to head each
Bruce> separate article along the lines of "Article XXIV - The old
Bruce> system of wars of position and the modern system of marches"
Bruce> and the Roman numerals run sequentially (regardless of chapter)
Bruce> through the book.

You can use normal Section and redefine at LaTeX level how sections
appear. Something like this in the preamble
  \renewcommand{\thesection}{Article \Roman{section}}
will do what you want with normal Section layout, although it will not
show on screen (in 1.4.0 it will be possible to see the right thing on
screen if you make a (short) layout file)."

Certainly solved my problem. 

On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 18:14 +0100, malc wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using Lyx 1.4.1 on Linux.
> What I would like to be able to do is produce paragraphs that are 
> numbered Article 1, Article 2 etc, (preferably with a hanging indent as 
> well). I also need the numbering to continue past section and chapter 
> headers...
> Something like:
> 1. The first section
> Article 1: Thou shalt never again use Word.
> 2. The second section
> Artcle 2: Nor Outlook.
> I presume many people have used this before for legal documents etc, but 
> can't work it out.
> thanks
> M.
Bruce Ernest Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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