Maria Gouskova wrote:
> Instant Preview does not seem to work for the phonetic fonts package  
> TIPA or for Qtree in 1.4.1. I am using Mac OS version 10.4.6, and  
> Instant Preview works correctly for math symbols/formulas, just not  
> for phonetic fonts or trees.

Both work for me. However, for Qtree I have to use
\usepackage{noepic]{qtree} (because dvipng needs that), and with tipa, you 
have to be sure you're in math-text mode.

Can you send a small example file that shows the failure?

> Moreover, LyX 1.4.1 is just as slow when working with Instant Preview  
> of TIPA as it was in version 1.4.0.

Nothing changed in that area AFAIR. Slow in which respect?


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