On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 11:29:15AM +0200, Charles de Miramon wrote:


> I've started from Georg Baum's version but I made an ugly hack in
> debian/rules to force it to compile with gcc 4.1. I don't know how you
> should do it properly in Debian. I've updated the dependence fields also
> and made some little changes.
IIRC setting "CXX = g++-4.1" in the rules should work.

I'll take a look at your changes aswell but aehm why do you need to compile
with gcc/g++ 4.1? A pointer to the thread would be enough so that I can
catch up on that problem aswell.

Regarding g++ 4.1 I found this FTBFS bug in the Debian BTS

If you won't forgive me the rest of my life
Let me apologize while I'm still alive
I know it's time to face all of my past mistakes
  [Less than Jake - Rest Of My Life]

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