----- Forwarded message from "Oh, Seung T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

I've used float:figure to create a page of 6 subfigures. Didn't use any 
minipages with in the float.
Problem 1) After inserting the graphics, if you click on the image the graphics window pops out. On the first page, you can adjust the output size. How exactly does this sizing function work?

Have a look at this page:


> Problem 3) Coming back to subfigures, I've managed to somehow place the six images in good arrangement without knowing how I've done it (encountering the problems above). But the problem is that, the subfigure counter that appears automatically under each subfigure, when I tick the subfigure function on the third page of the graphics window, is centered only on the left column of figures with respect to the figures. For the right column of figures, these are off-centered to the left. How do I overcome this problem?

Have a look at the manual of the LaTeX-package "subfig":


I assume that you have to enter something to the LaTeX-preamble of your document to achieve this.

regards Uwe

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