Gerhard Schaffer wrote:

PS: Nevertheless I'll try the new_msys-1.0.dll too and
give you a feedback on that matter.

I have made an msys installation and copied the new-msys-1.0.dll to that installation and renamed it to mysy-1.0.dll.
Then I added the msys directory to the PATH and reconfigured LyX.
I had no more problems to run the script and the LyX installtion works fine without cygwin too.

The error message reported was found at this url: second post down
Re: Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap,Win32 error 6 [SOLVED]

The new-msys replacement file is available in that bz2 file,
which seems to have helped solve the problem.
Posted in case this error message reappears on the list.


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