> >> You might try something like:
> >>
> >> \renewpagestyle{headings}[OPTIONAL]{
> >>     \headrule
> >>     \sethead{\chaptertitle}{}{\sectiontitle}
> >>     \setfoot{}{\usepage}{}
> >> }
> >>     
> > I put this in preamble and nothing occurs. When I
> add \pagestyle{headings}
> > I get error: extra }
> > I chequed for {} and all is OK, but error appears.
> >   
> I don't know why you are having this problem. It
> works for me. The way to diagnose the problem is to
>export to LaTeX and  then compile it manually.
> Richard

 I found that with (pagestyles provided by titlesec)
and (tag for cross references in titles of section)
appears errors in compilation (extra }).
 I moved tag from titles to body of text and no more

 Thanks. Marcelo

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