On May 24, 2006, at 3:01 PM, Maria Gouskova wrote:

I use Mac OS 10.4.6, LyX 1.4.1, but this was also the case in 1.3.7:

The default shortcut for closing a window in the mac bind file is Cmd+W, which closes any open document (as expected). But the Math Panel and other editing windows (e.g., Paragraph Settings, Edit Table) cannot be closed using Cmd+W--I've been closing them with the mouse (which I personally find a little distracting, since other programs on the Mac platform generally treat dialogs of this type as regular windows, and Cmd+W works on them).

Can something be added to the bind file to close these things with a key shortcut? Is this an intentional feature of the program, i.e., does LyX for Windows also not treat dialogs/editing panels as non-windows?

Try <esc> to close all dialogs.


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