
I'll do as you suggest: play around with your tipes then look at the hyperref's doc if I'm not satisfied.


Michael Wojcik a écrit :
Jerome Tuncer wrote:

- I inserted the "usepackage{hypreref}" in the preamble for my LyX links to actually link to web pages (as suggested on the LyX wiki) but the problem is that EVERY cross-reference, footnote and even TOC entries become links, which makes the whole document look kinda ugly. Is there a way to avoid that behavior and make only \href{http://...}{Weebsite link} actual links?

You don't mention what driver you're using (that is, what kind of document you're producing, and what program is producing it), and hyperref does have some driver-dependent behavior. However, the following works for me with pdflatex:

- You can tell hyperref to leave existing LaTeX commands alone and only create its own macros, such as \url and \href. Do this by setting the "implicit=false" option when you include hyperref in the preamble:


If you do this, and create your links using LyX's Insert->URL... command, then you'll get what you asked for: only those URLs will be converted to links.

- Sometimes it's more useful to let hyperref turn everything into links, but without changing the text's appearance. That lets readers navigate by links without the visual distractions. For that, you can use these hyperref options:


(I got this from someone else's message to the list - thanks, whoever that was.) You may want to play around with these a bit to get exactly the effect you want.

- Your LaTeX installation ought to include the hyperref documentation, which describes all this handy stuff. In my MiTeX installation, it's in texmf/doc/latex/hyperref/ - start with manual.html. (If you're not sure where to find it, search your disk for hyperref.) LaTeX typically comes with tons of package documentation and other useful tidbits, but it's a bit disorganized.

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