Stephen Harris wrote:
Helge Hafting wrote:
David Neeley wrote:
Personally, I did not respond to the idea that the menus should be
"Word-like"--what I was focused on was the idea of having a bit more
ability to create layout adjustments from controls in the menu system.
That, I continue to believe, is a worthwhile goal.

Everybody, including lyx developers, want an easier way
to create layout files.  Possibly some GUI thing.

Now, if you had that, could you adjust a layout without
understanding latex commands?  You could, to some extent.
Such a "layout editor" or in-lyx "format edit" could let
you specify that you want section headings in italics, for example.

So some adjustments would then be easy.  Often enough,
you will run up against latex though.  Want to use an
extra package which implements something useful with
commands of its own?  Then you definitely need to
add those commands in the layout editor.

So, a layout editor would allow simple adjustments to
paragraph types - adjustments that lyx already can do
on a case by case basis using the edit menu.

Anything more, and latex knowledge becomes necessary.
A layout editor still have the advantage that you don't also
need knowledge of the lyx-specific .layout file format.
Any latex guy would be able to use it to its full power.

Helge Hafting

You certainly know more about this than I do, so I'll phrase
the next point as a question rather than as an objection.

The *layouts* package: user manual by Peter R. Wilson layman.pdf

"The layouts package enables the display of various elements
of a document's layout including: the general page layout;
disposition of floats; layout of paragraphs, lists, footnotes,
table of contents, and sectional headings; font boxes.
Facilities are provided for a document designer to experiment
with the layout parameters."

SH: I think this user manual would be required reading for
creating a new .layout file? Do you think the information
contained is inappropriate for LyX and belongs in a LyX menu?
The layout package is something completely different.
It is a latex package for experimenting with page layouts.

A .layout file for lyx has _nothing_ to do with this package, other than
using the word "layout".  A lyx .layout file mainly describes what
paragraph types is available for documents of that sort, as well
as how those paragraph types should be presented in the
lyx editor and what latex code should be generated when
lyx creates latex code for printing.
(Paragraph types are things like standard, enumeration,
bullet list, and headings in various levels.)

Helge Hafting

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