Hello Luis,

On 05-29, Luis Angel Fernández Cuadrado wrote:
> I'm trying to compile LyX 1.4.1 from source in a KUbuntu 5.10 AMD64 machine 
> with no luck. I've done thins kind of compilation many other times in SuSE 
> i386 and AMD64 machines without problems.
> The key to it always was the parameters passed to the './configure' script: 
> --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=???? --with-qt-libraries=????

On a debian (testing) machine 

$ dpkg -l libqt3-dev  
ii  libqt3-dev     3.3.4-3        Qt development files
(You might prefer another package management tool than dpkg, what 
I mean is: if you dont have libqt3-dev, install it.)

zless /usr/share/doc/libqt3-dev/README.Debian.gz 
says "If you need to set QTDIR, do export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3"

A double-check that qt3 is really sitting there:
/usr/share/qt3$ ls
this should show: 
"bin  doc  include  lib  mkspecs  plugins"

./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3 
did the job for me last week.

Disclaimer: it may be the case that this generic debian approach
does not carry over to ubuntu. In that case protest immediately
and loudly! (Modulo that your libqt3-dev version also might be 
different than 3.3.4-3, I'd guess anything beginning with 3 
will do the job.)


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

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