For your first question: yes, I restard LyX many times. I ran
configure (sh is from MSYS) but there was no mention of beamer.

C:\Program Files\LyX141\Resources>kpsewhich beamer.cls

C:\Program Files\LyX141\Resources>sh configure
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+Read the file doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx for more information.
creating packages.lst
creating doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx
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checking for a FIG -> EPS/PPM/PNG converter...
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checking for an EPS -> PDF converter...
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checking for a Grace -> Image converter...
+checking for "gracebat"... yes

C:\Program Files\LyX141\Resources>

Paul wrote:


hi all, how do i set up lyx (using 1.4.1) so that i can work with
beamer? i'm on windows, and i installed all the prereq software (incl.
miktex, which i see has beamer in its tex\latex\ directory). i
downloaded the wiki's beamer.layout into my layouts dir, and i ran

And restarted LyX afterward?

however, i still don't see a 'beamer' option in the
document class dropdown, and i can't open the example beamer .lyx
files from the wiki (i get an error, that the beamer class isn't
found). thanks in advance for any help.

Hmm, odd. Open a DOS window and run 'kpsewhich beamer.cls'. It should
report back the path to the beamer class file. If not, there's a
problem with its installation. (It might have been downloaded without
updating the MiKTeX database.) If kpsewhich strikes out, try running
the MiKTeX Options program, and click "Refresh now" in the General

If kpsewhich finds beamer.cls, then you might try running the LyX
configuration script from a command prompt. Open the command prompt in
the LyX Resources folder, and run configure.bat (or 'sh configure' if
you don't have a configure.bat file). If you have to run sh, you might
need to supply a path to it. The (copious) output from the configure
script should include some mention of finding (or not finding) beamer.


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