>>To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
>>From: Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Trouble with eps inclusions in lyx-1.4.1
>>Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 16:37:31 +0200
>>Paul Johnson wrote:
>>> Well, this seems like a serious problem, not one where we should say
>>> "there's nothing to do".
>>I did not say that. I said that I don't see a solution that will work in all
>>> I'd suggest that LyX SHOULD NOT offer to export documents to pdf when
>>> they have eps files in them, or at least users need a VERY BIG warning
>>>  because a lot of users will get in trouble unless they proof read
>>> their output very carefully.  A bug of this sort, which crops up after
>>> a project is finished and printed out and presented to
>>> students/teachers, and appears only later in pdf output intended for
>>> the Web, is very serious.
>>This is a disadvantage of the modular converter architecture. Since LyX has
>>no control over the used tools, bad things can happen. There is a similar
>>problem with bitmap images: If you specify a 50% scale, it entirely depends
>>on the converter how big the image will be in the output, since it needs to
>>assume a certain resolution (pixels per cm).
>>> If tex2pdf works, couldn't LyX incorporate that (its GPL, right?) and
>>> cut all usage of the other converters?
>>I don't know how good tex2pdf is, but you can easily create a new pdf4
>>format and define tex2pdf as a converter tex->pdf4 yourself. Any tex2pdf
>>experts please tell: Should we do that by default in LyX? Any possible

I've used it with success since the perl versions (tehere has been a lyx2pdf 
and tex2pdf bash ones),
and contributed a little (Steffen Eversand Oscar Lopez did most of the job
involved in the current perl port),  and yes, I have a pdf1 format associated
to tex2pdf conversion :-)
\format "pdf1" "pdf" "PDF (tex2pdf)" "x" "xpdf" ""
\converter "latex" "pdf1" "tex2pdf $$i" ""

The situations where tex2pdf gets into trouble comes mostly with latex files:
use of other packages than graphicx, insertion of graphics with user-defined 
macros, etc.
which kill the parsing for graphics names.
Use with LyX seems not concerned as the latex code is clean.
Another reason of failure came from unproper constructs used in \title and 
\author fields
(used to produce pdf metadata), but again this should less happen in LyX.

In addition to pdf compilation, and with the help of a configuration file
(defaults are reasonable), tex2pdf provides full hyperref control, makeindex 
control, etc.
So the command in the converter section is simple, the customization will be in 
the config file.

Presence can be checked and the format and converter commands installed.



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