On Jun 10, 2006, at 9:33 AM, Christian Liesen wrote:

I'm experiencing a problem with installing aspell on Mac OS X 10.4.6.

I followed these instructions by the book: http://wiki.lyx.org/Mac/ MacSpelling

What happens is that I end up with two aspell folders on my desktop (one with aspell itself labeled "aspell-0.60.4", another one with the desired dictionary labeled "aspell6-en-6.0-0"). These folders contain files that obviously were generated when running the configure-, make- and sudo make installation-processes, since their date is today.

There are no other aspell folders anywhere on my HDD, except for these two.

I reconfigured Lyx 1.4.1, but it does not recognize aspell at all. Instead it says that "Error: The file "/usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60/ ngerman" can not be opened for reading. There is no file named "ngerman" anywhere on my computer. What's going on here? Did I miss something?

Most likely, the files have been installed; it's just that they are hidden by the Mac GUI. You can check to see if they're really there by going to the Finder and selecting Go > Go to Folder ..., and then typing in /usr/local/lib to the dialog that pops up. If you don't find an aspell directory there, something went wrong with the installation.

Also, double check to make sure that aspell is selected from within LyX's preferences (LyX > Preferences > Spellchecker > Spellchecker executable).

Note that in what you've described, you've installed aspell6-en-6.0-0 -- an English dictionary. LyX is apparently looking for a German dictionary, which it reports it cannot find. If you're spellchecking German text (i.e., text identified as German within LyX), you'll need to install the appropriate dictionary.


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